
Frequently Asked Questions

Does montly subscription automatically cancel if I choose to go with lifetime option?

No. You need to cancel your subscription after you purchase lifetime pro option.

I am on free plan. I keep getting purchase dialog on a day sheet after I fill the second page. How can I prevent that?

Free plan lets you create 2 pages per each day. It checks if there is any item (drawing, text or image) on the last 20% of the last page. If so, it will display the purchase dialog. You can remove the item at that portion of the last page.

Do I lose my data if I cancel my subscription?

No. Your data persists in your device. You just cannot access them. Renewing your subscription will provide access to those data again.

How does the system decide to add or remove a page on day sheet?

It basically checks if there is any item below the 75% of the page. If so, it adds a new page. Similarly, if there is no item left, it removes the page automatically.

How can I copy/move day sheets to other journals?

You can use copy / move menu in sheet’s settings located on top right corner of the screen (the icon with three dots in a circle.)

In addition, with copy below/above option that appears when you tap on the empty part of a sheet you can copy the part above or below of that point. Then, in another day sheet or journal you can tap “Paste” to paste to that sheet. If you tap on the top part of the sheet and select “Copy Below” it will copy the whole sheet.

What does 5 day sheets mean for the free plan?

In free plan, you can have 5 non-empty day sheets. In other words, you can have items in 5 different days. After 5 sheets, you will be asked to switch to a paid plan. If you delete the contents of one of the days, you can use some other day sheet.

Why can’t I add drawings on the Mac App?

The drawing functionality will come soon.

How can I select drawings?

Selection tool works for images, shapes, texts and calendar event boxes and drawings. To select a drawing you can use the lasso select tool in Pencil Tool Picker (the tool picker you choose the pen, eraser or the pen color) too. After selecting a drawing using rectangular selection tool, press “Done” button. Once selected, clicking on the selection area will display options. You can also drag the selection to move to another location at the same day sheet.

What do “Shift Canvas” or “Collapse Space” do?

Shift Canvas is an important feature of Penjo to keep your day sheets clean and tidy. When you select “Shift Canvas” a shifter bar will appear. Moving it up and down you can create space or reduce the space. This way you can add items in between or remove the space if you remove an item.

Collapse Space is particularly useful if you delete some item, say for example a completed To-Do item, you can use this option to remove the void after moving or deleting this item.

Can I use Penjo without Apple Pencil on my iPad?

Sure, all functionality is available without Apple Pencil too. When Apple Pencil is unavailable and “Draw with Finger” is enabled on Tool Picker, all tap actions are performed with two-finger tap (eg, two-finger tap to insert a text, image, shape, map card, two-finger tap to select and move text, image etc) while single finger actions are used to draw. If “Draw with finger” is disabled, you can not draw but still add or edit boxes (text, image, shape and map card)

I cannot select text, image, shape or map card. It says tap but I cannot tap. What is the reason?

It occurs on when working on iPad and when “Draw with Finger” is enabled on Pencil Toolpicker. It tries to draw instead of tap. When “Draw with Finger” is enabled all tap actions can be performed using two-finger tap.

In addition, it is recommended to disable “Draw with Finger” if you are using Apple Pencil. This way, you can use tap with your finger.

How can I create / edit custom tool picker?

Customization of tool picker is available with iOS/iPadOS 18 and up. You can switch between default and favorite tool pickers from the accessory item button (the icon with pen in a circle)

When in default tool picker, you can select “Add tool” to add selected tool to the favorite tool picker. The new tool is placed before the eraser tool and tool picker is switched to the favorite one.

When in favorite tool picker, you can move selected tool to left or right, remove the tool or duplicate it to give another color, width or opacity settings.

Your settings are automatically saved.

You can also change the theme to dark or light using “Change Theme”.

The following review is a great tutorial for Penjo. By enabling auto-translate on subtitle settings you can enjoy all aspects of this very detailed review.

A very detailed review of Penjo by Kunyotsu Studio

For more questions and feature requests contact us at [email protected]